Configure kubernetes-dashboard to use metrics-server service instated of heapster.


I have installed kube v1.11, since heapster is depreciated I am using matrics-server. Kubectl top node command works.

Kubernetes dashboard looking for heapster service. What is the steps to configure dashboard to use materics server services

2018/08/09 21:13:43 Metric client health check failed: the server could not find the requested resource (get services heapster). Retrying in 30 seconds.

Thanks SR

-- sfgroups

2 Answers


As of today Kubernetes dashboard doesn't support matrics-server and it is expected to be released very soon with new release of kubernetes dashboard. You can follow

-- Arpit Jindal
Source: StackOverflow


This must be the week for asking that question; it seems that whatever is deploying heapster is omitting the Service, which one can fix as described here -- or the tl;dr is just: create the Service named heapster and point it at your heapster pods.

-- mdaniel
Source: StackOverflow