Does apache livy 0.5.0 supports spark on k8s?


I am trying to run jupyter for spark on k8s.

After little experiment :) I found that

k8s does not support client mode

$ bin/spark-shell --master k8s://
Error: Client mode is currently not supported for Kubernetes.

And that

spark-shell can't run in cluster mode

$ bin/spark-shell --master k8s:// --deploy-mode cluster
Error: Cluster deploy mode is not applicable to Spark shells.

So I am guessing that jupyter spark kernel or zeppelin will not run for k8s. (not sure)

As a workaround I am thinking about using livy.

Does apache livy 0.5.0 supports spark on k8s? Any advice for setting up spark cluster would be appreciated.

P.S. I tried to use GCP dataproc but after lost GCS shared note once (during 7 days period evaluation, no clue about reason). I am sure it's my fault (maybe on configuration?) but didn't dive deep to dive deep in k8s. :)

-- ruseel

1 Answer


You can try customized livy-0.6.0 for that: We've required a solution for the project to run Spark on Kubernetes and modified Livy to serve that purpose. You can be interested in Helm chart for Livy setup either:

-- Aliaksandr Sasnouskikh
Source: StackOverflow