Kubernetes Node Details


Image for reference

I have 2 questions:

  1. I have a node on kubernetes cluster, I wanted to know the difference between CPU request, limit on this image. I know the difference between limit,request on deployment file but this seems something different

  2. In image there's pod allocation capacity ( So far I know this is the limit of running pods at a specific moment ). I wanted to know if pending pods are also included in this capacity or not?

-- Talha Irfan

1 Answer


The values are the total of the values for the 4 pods on the node, shown as a fraction of the total resource available on the node. So e.g. you could have a maximum of 110 pods on the node and you currently have 4. You can use this to get a sense of when your node is nearing being 'full' (i.e. if one of those metrics is almost full then it's likely that kubernetes won't be able to schedule any more pods to that node). It's the same metrics you get from kubectl describe node <node_name>

-- Ryan Dawson
Source: StackOverflow