kubectl command timeout on Google Kubernetes Engine


I setup a cluster from the kubernetes dashboard with 2 nodes in the private network.

I have exposed the port 80 that maps to port 8545 from the container instances. So, when I access the external IP I can view my application.

I set up a kubectl on my machine and ran the following command

gcloud container clusters get-credentials <cluster name> --zone <my-zone> --project <project name>

However, when I run this I get an error

$ kubectl get deployments
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp i/o timeout

On the GCP dashboard, I see the following for the cluster


It also has a view credentials option next to it which has a certificate file and username and password

So, I tried setting it

kubectl config set-credentials cluster-admin --username=admin --password=<my password>

I tried kubectl command again, however I get the same timeout error. Can someone help to fix this?

-- kosta

1 Answer


I added an authorized network by editing the cluster and selecting Add Authorized network. This seems to have solved the problem.


-- kosta
Source: StackOverflow