How to get all the pod names of a service in openshift3


I have deployed a java application (backend) in openshift, and i have spun up 3 pods backend-1-abc, backend-1-xyz and backend-1-def.

How can I get the list of all the pod names for this service "backend"? Is it possible to obtain it programatically or is there any endpoint exposed in openshift to obtain this?

-- Pramod S

1 Answer


Are you saying you have actually created three separate Pod definitions with those names? Are you not using a DeploymentConfig or StatefulSet?

If you were using StatefulSet the names would be predictable.

Either way, the Pods would usually be set up with labels and could use a command like:

oc get pods --selector app=myappname

Perhaps have a read of:

It touches on labelling and querying based on labels.

Please provide more details about how you are creating the deployment if want more details/options.

-- Graham Dumpleton
Source: StackOverflow