I have a pod with mysql
and service to provide access from outside. So I can connect to my database at
from the other machine.
But how I can connect from the other pod in the same cluster (same node)?
That is my service description:
Name: etl-mysql
Namespace: default
Labels: run=etl-mysql
Annotations: field.cattle.io/publicEndpoints=[{"addresses":[""],"port":31211,"protocol":"TCP","serviceName":"default:etl-mysql","allNodes":true}]
Selector: run=etl-mysql
Type: NodePort
External IPs:
Port: etl-mysql-port 3306/TCP
TargetPort: 3306/TCP
NodePort: etl-mysql-port 31211/TCP
Session Affinity: None
External Traffic Policy: Cluster
Events: <none>
Kubernetes has a built in DNS, that registers services automatically resulting in simple to use DNS address like this: http://{servicename}.{namespace}:{servicePort}
If you are in the same namespace you can omit the namespace part and if your service listens on port 80 that part can be omitted as well.
If you need further informations the following documentation will help you: DNS for Services and Pods