What is the minimum Google Kubernetes Engine cluster size / Configuration for Istio?


I tried to launch Istio on Google Kubernetes Engine using the Google Cloud Deployment Manager as described in the Istio Quick Start Guide. My goal is to have a cluster as small as possible for a few very lightweight microservices.

Unfortunately, Istio pods in the cluster failed to boot up correctly when using a 1 node GKE

  • g1-small or
  • n1-standard-1

cluster. For example, istio-pilot fails and the status is "0 of 1 updated replicas available - Unschedulable".

I did not find any hints that the resources of my cluster are exceeded so I am wondering:

What is the minimum GKE cluster size to successfully run Istio (and a few lightweight microservices)?

What I found is the issue Istio#216 but it did not contain the answer. Also, of course, the cluster size depends on the microservices but I am basically interested in the minimum cluster to start with.

-- sceee

1 Answer


As per this page

If you use GKE, please ensure your cluster has at least 4 standard GKE nodes. If you use Minikube, please ensure you have at least 4GB RAM.

-- jaxxstorm
Source: StackOverflow