Kubernetes cluster without kubernetes Master


I have kubernetes cluster working fine. I have one master node and 5 worker nodes, and all these are running pods. When all the nodes are on and if the kubernetes master goes down/ powered off, will the worker nodes keep working as normally.?

If master node is down and one of the worker node also goes down and then come back online after sometime. Then will the pod automatically be started on that worker as the master node is still down.?

-- S Andrew

1 Answer


When all the nodes are on and if the kubernetes master goes down/ powered off, will the worker nodes keep working as normally.?

Yes, they will work in their last state.

If master node is down and one of the worker node also goes down and then come back online after sometime. Then will the pod automatically be started on that worker as the master node is still down.?


As you can read in Kubernetes Components section:

Master components provide the cluster’s control plane. Master components make global decisions about the cluster (for example, scheduling), and detecting and responding to cluster events (starting up a new pod when a replication controller’s ‘replicas’ field is unsatisfied).

-- Crou
Source: StackOverflow