I created a local kubernetes cluster with a master and 2 workers using VM(ubuntu 16.04) I am also using calico for networking and I am exploring istio for the moment. my problem is the ingress load balancer doesn't get an external IP. to my understanding I should use a node port to access the ingress load balancer but I can find how to do so. should I have done it when installing, can I add it now and how?
kubernetes version : v1.11.1 calico version : v3.1 istio version : 0.8.0
If don't have a service attached to your deployment, you can use kubectl expose
kubectl expose deployment istio --type=NodePort --name=istio-service
If you already deployed a service, you can edit the service spec and add type: "NodePort"
the quickest way to do this is using kubectl patch
kubectl patch svc istio-service -p '{"spec":{"type":"NodePort"}}'
More info about NodePort services can be found here