Is it possible to restrict the ability of particular users to dynamically provision disks from storageclasses? Or, for example, only allowing particular namespaces to be able to use a storageclass?
Storage resource quota can be used to restrict usage of storage classes
Fair warning: I haven't tested this!
StorageClass is just an API endpoint, and RBAC works by restricting access to those endpoints, so in theory this should work just fine:
kind: ClusterRole
name: sc_access
- apiGroups: ["", "core" ]
resources: [ "storageclass" ]
verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "update", "patch", "delete"]
If that doesn't work, you might be able to restrict access directly via the NonResourceUrls option:
- nonResourceURLs: ["/"]
verbs: ["get", "post"]