I'm trying to run the open source cachet status page within Kubernetes via this tutorial https://medium.com/@ctbeke/setting-up-cachet-on-google-cloud-817e62916d48
2 docker containers (cachet/nginx) and Postgres are deployed to a pod on GKE but the cachet container fails with the following CrashLoopBackOff error
Within the docker-compose.yml file its set to APP_KEY=${APP_KEY:-null} and i’m wondering if I didn’t set an environment variable I should have.
Any help with configuring the cachet docker file would be much appreciated! https://github.com/CachetHQ/Docker
Yes, you need to generate a key.
In the entrypoint.sh
you can see that the bash script generates a key for you:
It seems there's a bug in the Dockerfile here. Generate a key manually and then set it as an environment variable in your manifest.
There's a helm chart you can use in development here: https://github.com/apptio/helmcharts/blob/cachet/devel/cachet/templates/secrets.yaml#L12