Using envoy without pods (in on pres solution)


We are now on our journey to break our monolith (on-prem pkg (rpm/ova)) into services (dockers).

In the process we are evaluation envoy/istio as our communication and security layer, it looks great when running as sidecar in k8s, or each service on a separate machie.

As we are going to deliver several services within one machine, and can't deliver it within k8s, I'm not sure if we can use envoy, I didn't find any reference on using envoy in additional ways, are there additional deployment methods I can use to enjoy it?

-- user1447703

1 Answer


You can run Istio without Kubernetes. Alternatively, you can run part of your services on Kubernetes and part on separate machines.

See instructions for:

-- Vadim Eisenberg
Source: StackOverflow