AWS EKS: How is the first user added to system:masters group by EKS


EKS documentation says

"When you create an Amazon EKS cluster, the IAM entity (user or role) is automatically granted system:master permissions in the cluster's RBAC configuration".

But after the EKS cluster creation, if you check the aws-auth config map, it does NOT have the ARN mapping to system:masters group. But I am able to access the cluster via kubectl. So if the aws-auth (heptio config map) DOES NOT have the my ARN (I was the one who created the EKS cluster) mapped to system:masters group, how does the heptio aws authenticator authenticate me?

-- Rajarajan Pudupatti Sundari Je

1 Answer


I got to know the answer. Basically on the heptio server side component, the static mapping for system:master is done under /etc/kubernetes/aws-iam-authenticator/ ( which is mounted into the heptio authenticator pod. Since you do not have access to this in EKS, you cant see it. However if you do invoke the /authenticate yourself with the pre-signed request, you should get the TokenReviewStatus response from heptio authenticator showing the mapping for ARN (who created the cluster) to system:master group!

-- Rajarajan Pudupatti Sundari Je
Source: StackOverflow