prometheus 2.0.0 error msg="Opening storage failed" err="open DB in /home/prometheus: Lockfile created, but doesn't exist"


Context : Trying to use prometheus on k8s 1.10.2 and using azure file storage as persistent storage medium

Problem : using azurefile storage with prometheus gives me the following error :

level=info ts=2018-06-29T11:08:50.603235475Z caller=main.go:215 msg="Starting Prometheus" version="(version=2.0.0, branch=HEAD, revision=0a74f98628a0463dddc90528220c94de5032d1a0)"
level=info ts=2018-06-29T11:08:50.603302775Z caller=main.go:216 build_context="(go=go1.9.2, user=root@615b82cb36b6, date=20171108-07:11:59)"
level=info ts=2018-06-29T11:08:50.603341576Z caller=main.go:217 host_details="(Linux 4.15.0-1013-azure #13~16.04.2-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 30 01:39:27 UTC 2018 x86_64 prometheus-84f89cd668-r8p5r (none))"
level=info ts=2018-06-29T11:08:50.605677083Z caller=web.go:380 component=web msg="Start listening for connections" address=
level=info ts=2018-06-29T11:08:50.605759983Z caller=main.go:314 msg="Starting TSDB"
level=info ts=2018-06-29T11:08:50.605816483Z caller=targetmanager.go:71 component="target manager" msg="Starting target manager..."
level=error ts=2018-06-29T11:08:50.778059828Z caller=main.go:323 msg="Opening storage failed" err="open DB in /home/prometheus: Lockfile created, but doesn't exist"

Note : I do not want to use the flag on the prometheus deploymenet

Is there any other way i can fix this issue?

Thanks for any input on how to fix this issue.

-- D007

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