Vault gives old and new values for keys


I am using Hashicorp's Vault which is deployed in a kubernetes cluster on AWS using the available helm chart and created the default 3 pods for my vault deployment. The vault's store is in AWS S3.

I am accessing this service from another deployment using port forwarding of kubernetes internal IP.

Now when I write to the vault(version 1 kv) using the command:
vault kv put something/abc key={"x","y","z"}, I get the earlier values at times when I do a vault kv get something/abc.

If earlier the value for key was {"x","y"}.

I get the older value in some of my get calls and the newer values in other calls.(I am making these get calls from the same pod). I get (say), key=[x y z] in the first get call, key=[x y] in the second get call, key=[x y] in the third one; and this repeats.

(All pods were in the Ready(1/1) state. Because I had set the --set vault.readiness.readyIfSealed=true in the helm chart. Without setting that, only one pod goes in ready state(1/1). Others are in Ready(0/1) state. In this case I get the newer updated value in all my get calls)

Any idea why I am not getting the same new value returned for every call?

-- Uddhav Bhosle

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