Grafana installed on kubernated web href not working


I have installed Grafana from this git repo Grafana-Kubernates. After the installation, Grafana web monitor link is available at {aws LB}/api/v1/namespaces/monitoring/services/grafana/proxy. But when I navigate to any link, it is redirected to {aws LB}/{service like dashboard or datasource} insted of {aws LB}/api/v1/namespaces/monitoring/services/grafana/proxy/{dashboard or datasource}.

How can I solve this?

-- Ibrahim Mohamed

1 Answer


how can I solve this?

Exposing functionality outside of the cluster is designed to be done with either a Service of type LoadBalancer, where kubernetes will create the ELB on your behalf, or with an ingress-controller such that you only have to have a single TCP/IP port or ELB but that dispatches to all the Services in the cluster based on Host: header virtual-hosting.

In short, you are trying to use kubectl in a manner that it wasn't designed to be used.

-- mdaniel
Source: StackOverflow