I have configured Prometheus & Grafana in GCP kubernetes Environment using the KB's provided in https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator/tree/master/contrib/kube-prometheus/manifests
All are working perfect and my cluster details are showing in Grafana. Now I want to configure alert for Prometheus and need to integrate to my slack channel. If anyone have any Idea about this please let me know.
Thanks in advance
Right - so. You'll need to do a few things.
First download and run alert manager - You can download it here - you can get away with running the simple config.
Then you need to add the alert manager to your prometheus config.
Sample in prometheus.yml
- scheme: http
- targets:
- "localhost:9093"
- scheme: http
- targets:
- "localhost:9093"
Assuming you already have rules running, and you now want to integrate it into slack, in the alert managers config file, you need to add
slack_api_url: '...'
Just a note on .CommonAnnotations
vs .Annotations
. CommonAnnotations
refers to a single alert, whereas Annotations
refers to multiple alert events. So if your alert rules fire off two alerts at the same time, you need to use CommonAnnotations
If you don't have any rules set, here is a sample rule that I use to alert me if a website goes down.
# ============================================================================
# Website alerts
# --------------
# ============================================================================
- name: WebsiteStaus
# Check if the probe_success was successful
- alert: SiteDown
expr: probe_success == 0
for: 5s
severity: page
summary: A website has gone down!
description: '<{{ $labels.instance }}|{{ $labels.instance }}> failed to probe'
Using the prometheus-operator, it took me a while to figure out that the alertmanager configuration is stored as a secret in https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator/blob/master/contrib/kube-prometheus/manifests/alertmanager-secret.yaml
You would need to decode it, edit, encode and apply
echo "Imdsb2JhbCI6IAogICJyZXNvbHZlX3RpbWVvdXQiOiAiNW0iCiJyZWNlaXZlcnMiOiAKLSAibmFtZSI6ICJudWxsIgoicm91dGUiOiAKICAiZ3JvdXBfYnkiOiAKICAtICJqb2IiCiAgImdyb3VwX2ludGVydmFsIjogIjVtIgogICJncm91cF93YWl0IjogIjMwcyIKICAicmVjZWl2ZXIiOiAibnVsbCIKICAicmVwZWF0X2ludGVydmFsIjogIjEyaCIKICAicm91dGVzIjogCiAgLSAibWF0Y2giOiAKICAgICAgImFsZXJ0bmFtZSI6ICJEZWFkTWFuc1N3aXRjaCIKICAgICJyZWNlaXZlciI6ICJudWxsIg==" | base64 --decode