I want to configure Google Identity Aware Proxy for an application running on Google Kubernetes Engine. To do that i added an Ingress to my Kubernetes Configuration so i get a Load-Balancer to configure as an identity-aware-proxy.
Now GCP shows me a few warnings that are about problematic firewall rules. As all of these rules were configured by GKE i'm not quite sure if they are a problem.
As far as i understand it
is the default VPC for projects and
is the ip range for all containers in my kubernetes cluster.
To me this means that "only" internal traffic inside my project/kubernetes-cluster can bypass the IAP. Is that correct?
You’re correct. However, keep in mind that if you have set up an internal load balancer the traffic will bypass the IAP.
Note, you can natively integrate with IAP through Ingress https://cloud.google.com/iap/docs/enabling-kubernetes-howto