Do initializers (initializerConfiguration) work on k8s 1.10?


I tried (unsuccessfully) to set up an initializer admission controller on k8s 1.10, running in minikube. kubectl does not show 'initializerconfiguration' as a valid object type and attempting 'kubectl create -f init.yaml' with a file containing an initializerConfiguration object (similar to the exmaple found here: returns this:

no matches for kind "InitializerConfiguration" in version ""

(I tried with /v1beta1 as well, because kubectl api-versions doesn't show but does have .../v1beta1; no luck with that, either).

"Initializers" is enabled in the --admission-control option for kube-apiserver and all possible APIs are also turned on by default in minikube - so it should have worked, according to the k8s documentation.

-- Leo K

1 Answer


According to the document mentioned in question:

Enable initializers alpha feature

Initializers is an alpha feature, so it is disabled by default. To turn it on, you need to:

  • Include “Initializers” in the --enable-admission-plugins flag when starting kube-apiserver. If you have multiple kube-apiserver replicas, all should have the same flag setting.

  • Enable the dynamic admission controller registration API by adding to the --runtime-config flag passed to kube-apiserver, e.g. Again, all replicas should have the same flag setting.

NOTE: For those looking to use this on minikube, use this to pass runtime-config to the apiserver:

minikube start --vm-driver=none

-- VAS
Source: StackOverflow