Accessing API of a kubernetes cluster from a different computer


Lets say I have two computers; A and B. I created a kubernetes cluster using kops on AWS from computer A. How do I access the API of that cluster (like I do kubectl get nodes, it gives me the nodes of that cluster) using computer B?

-- Harith

1 Answer


You need to configure kubectl by defining a configuration file.

Since you are using kops you can use the instructions they're giving you here:

export KOPS_STATE_STORE=s3://<somes3bucket>
/path/to/kops export kubecfg ${NAME}

You need to run the above instructions on computer B and it has to be correctly configured to have access to the <somes3bucket> bucket.

What the command will do is create a configuration file that holds the URL of your apiserver and the authentication certificates. If you are on a unix-like environment, that file will be created in $HOME/.kube/config.

-- whites11
Source: StackOverflow