Accessing services without pod (without istio envoy) from outside cluster through istio ingress rules in K8s


Steps: 1. I have created 2 namespaces (ns1 and ns2). 2. in ns1, i have deployed service where envoy proxy is enabled (istioctl kube-inject service.yaml) 2. in ns1, i have created istio ingress rules pointing to the service and i am able access it from outside the cluster. 3. in ns2, i havnt deploy any service because it is my shared namespace hence i have created headless service (External Name) which is pointing to the service deployed in ns1 namespace.

The problem is; i am not able to access service which is deployed in ns2 from outside the cluster. it is throwing 404 service not found.

did i miss anything here... do we have any other solution to address this?

Thanks, Nikhil

-- Nikhil Gajipara

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