Link Gitlab with Kubernetes


Hi I use Gitlab I want to containerize apps that I make and automate deploy so I'm trying to play with Kubernetes on GKE.

I was following Gitlab's documentation regarding linking Cluster

I tried to create secret through K8S Dashboard (Create, Paste yaml)

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: gitlab
  annotations: gitlab

press Upload and it just swallows it, no errors no new secrets.

Then I tried to add it through kubectl:

kubectl create -f /tmp/gitlab.yaml it prints secret "gitlab" created but it didn't

What am I doing wrong?

-- You Care

2 Answers


kind: Secret


I see what's going on here: you're trying to manually create a ServiceAccount token, when those are designed to be managed by kubernetes, not you, because the token contains a correctly formatted and cryptographically signed JWT.

Independent of that, it's silly to create a service-account-token Secret that contains no secret data (s.a.t. always contain 3 bits of data: ca.crt, namespace, and token). Then, even if you did populate that Secret with an actual JWT -- which would be very weird -- you'll also want to include the annotation containing the UUID of the gitlab``ServiceAccount (which you can find by kubectl get -o json sa gitlab | jq -r .metadata.uid)

Reasonable people can differ about whether this is a bug, or a crazy edge case that doesn't hurt anything. I think of this as the equivalent of INSERT INTO users; reporting OK; sure, it didn't insert anything, but the command was nonsense anyway, so it's hard to get really worked up about things.

-- mdaniel
Source: StackOverflow


my bad, I specified to be gitlab even though there is no such service account, I replaced it with default and everything worked

-- You Care
Source: StackOverflow