Bootstraping k8s with kubeadm init / forbidden cannot list naemspaces at the cluster scope


I have a problem with my K8s cluster setup.

kubeadm rest && kubeadm init

It goes to successful completion, but. I then copy as instructed the admin.conf into my .kube/config and set env var (to be double sure at -> /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf

So the problem starts with:

kubectl get namespaces

I get:

Error from server (Forbidden): namespaces is forbidden: User "system:node:k8s-master" cannot list namespaces at the cluster scope

Is it possible perhaps to disable RBAC at kubeadm init stage ? as this would help a lot.

My stack is Centos 7 and k8s: kubeadm-1.9.6-0.x86_64 kubectl-1.9.6-0.x86_64 kubernetes-cni-0.6.0-0.x86_64 kubelet-1.9.6-0.x86_64

-- mAm

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