Restarting master and losting pods on nodes


I setup my cluster with one master and two nodes. I can create pods on nodes. If my master node fails (reboot) when I use kubeadm reset and then kubeadm init I lost all my pods, deployments, services.

Am I losting my pods because reset? What should I do?

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-- gustavomr

1 Answer


kubeadm reset on the master deletes all configuration (files and a database too). There is no way back.

You should not run kubeadm init when you reboot the master. kubeadm init is a one off action to bootstrap the cluster. When the master is rebooted your OS's init system (systemd, upstart, ...) should start kubelet which in turn starts the master components (as containers). An exception is if your cluster is self-hosting

-- Janos Lenart
Source: StackOverflow