Which generic networked volume should be used for self-host kubernetes cluster bootstrapped by kubeadm?


NFS, cinder, cephfs, iscsi, flocker, glusterfs, quobyte, rbd, flexVolume, vsphere-Volume, photonPersistentDisk, scaleIO. There are so many network storage options for kubernetes volume types. Which one is best suit for self-host kubernetes cluster?

-- X. Wang

1 Answer


Just use the right tool for the job.

NFS is the simplest to use, in my opinion. Choose it if you don't have any special requirements.

Cephfs, Glusterfs fit well if you need a distributed, fault-tolerant volume.

ISCSI, Vsphere-Volume are vendor dependent, you may want to use it if you have a piece of hardware which supports this type of storage.

-- VAS
Source: StackOverflow