Connect to Google Cloud SQL via VPC?


I'm having two Projects in GCP with Cloud SQL & GKE

Project A
  -> Cloud SQL
Project B
  -> GKE Cluster

Now I want to access Cloud SQL from GKE Cluster for which I have two options.

 1. IPv4 address to connect
 2. Clous SQL Proxy as sidecar

But the problem is both of them connects via Public IP. And I'm worried about latency so I was thinking can we access via VPC ? or some kind of internal network ? so the read/write will be more faster.

-- Siva

2 Answers


Cloud SQL now supports private connections:

-- Brett H.
Source: StackOverflow


Unfortunately not, the Cloud SQL is not accessed via internal, only through external IP or the Cloud SQL proxy. For GKE, using Cloud SQL Proxy as a sidecar container.

-- Patrick W
Source: StackOverflow