GKE master is non responsive


I cannot ping one of our gke masters but our other cluster and master is fine.
I don't have a GCP support package so am wondering what my best course of action is.

kubectl returns "get" commands fine from the accessible cluster but obviously does not work on cluster which cannot ping its master.

gcloud container clusters list show that both my clusters are running and they are both in the same zone.

I also did not see any current issues with the GCP/GKE status dashboard @ https://status.cloud.google.com/

In the GCP Kubernetes gui I did not see an option to reboot master or cluster.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I am new to the GCP world.

-- Hobbit-42

1 Answer


The issue was due to a firewall rule that had been deleted by a "bug" in GCP that removed three firewall rules when an additional rule was added. Got it brought up to GCP so they will try and address for other customers.

-- Hobbit-42
Source: StackOverflow