Double tagging docker images (latest + set version) + deploy latest to k8s + then lookup real tag?


I want to double tag docker images (latest + a version e.g. 1.3.0-78) at build/docker push time.

Then I want to deploy all my applications to kubernetes with the latest tag, if tests pass then look up the "real" tag (1.3.0-78) from the image digest I can get from kubernetes associated with the "latest", then create a manifest of all the docker tags as a release candidate.

Unfortunately, I haven't found a good way to find the "real" tag just based on a digest.

It appears you have to iterate all the tags in the entire repository and look for a matching digest. Given there can be hundreds or thousands of tags for a specific image this could take a really long time.

Here is a script that finds all the tags that have the same digest, but it's very slow:


# find all tags
ALL_TAGS=$(curl -s  $REPOSITORY/tags/list | jq -r .tags[])

# get image digest for target
TARGET_DIGEST=$(curl -s -D -  -H "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json"   $REPOSITORY/manifests/$TARGET_TAG | grep Docker-Content-Digest | cut -d ' ' -f 2)

# for each tags
for tag in ${ALL_TAGS[@]}; do
  echo "checking tag ${tag}"
  # get image digest
  digest=$(curl -s -D -  -H "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json" $REPOSITORY/manifests/$tag | grep Docker-Content-Digest | cut -d ' ' -f 2)

  # check digest
  if [[ $TARGET_DIGEST = $digest ]]; then
    echo "$tag $digest"

Does anyone have another approach?

-- phil swenson

1 Answer


Then I want to deploy all my applications to kubernetes with the latest tag

No, you most certainly do not; you want to create what GitLab calls an environment using the release-candidate image, and then promote the RC into the real Deployment if all goes well. Using :latest is a recipe for disaster in almost all circumstances.

If you insist on using :latest, then I would suggest putting the "real" image tag in an annotation, label, or environment variable of the temporary Deployment so you will be able to acquire that information later, not only for your sanity but also make it available to the process that is presumably tearing down the temp stack and promoting the image to the production stack.

-- mdaniel
Source: StackOverflow