I need to parse a JSON attribute named keys_base64 with curl. I only have the option to accomplish this with raw module of Ansible. This is because of a network related issue. I tried many different approaches, but am lost. How can I get this to work?
Update: Found the answer
Original Post
** JSON Keys example object **
** unseal.json **
{ "key": {{ item }} }
** Playbook **
- name: "Unseal Vault OCS"
remote_user: Tony
raw: curl -k -d@"{{ lookup('template','templates/unseal.json') }} https://{{ vault_ocs_pod_ip }}:8200/v1/sys/unseal"
delegate_to: 10.x.x.10
with_items: "{{ (vault_ocs_unseal_keys.stdout | from_json)['keys_base64'] }}"
register: vault_ocs_unseal_result
The playbook variable "vault_ocs_unseal_keys" contains the JSON object.
** Playbook Output **
<10.x.x.10> SSH: EXEC ssh -C -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o User=tony -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o ControlPath=/root/.ansible/cp/%h-%r -tt 10.x.x.10 'curl -k -d - "{
"key": gB2ZTK2V9Ch/9rOTenpz06u+p7t9qp5uKXEjqeCREEAZ
<10.x.x.10> (3, 'curl: (3) Illegal characters found in URL\r\n', 'Shared
connection to 10.x.x.10 closed.\r\n')
failed: [localhost -> 10.x.x.10]
(item=gB2ZTK2V9Ch/9rOTenpz06u+p7t9qp5uKXEjqeCREEAZ) => {
"changed": true,
"item": "gB2ZTK2V9Ch/9rOTenpz06u+p7t9qp5uKXEjqeCREEAZ",
"rc": 3
curl: (3) Illegal characters found in URL
Shared connection to 10.x.x.10 closed.
non-zero return code
This is working for me. Used the curl command without the @, as mentioned it is used for reading files. And I used the run_once. The lookup plugin does the looping. And it needs the keys found in the keys_base64 attribute to apply for every key a API call. Great!
**** Working code ****
- name: "Unseal Vault OCS"
remote_user: tony
raw: "curl -k -d '{{ lookup('template','unseal.json') | to_json }}' https://10.x.x.1:8200/v1/sys/unseal"
with_items: "{{ (vault_ocs_unseal_keys.stdout | from_json)['keys_base64'] | list }}"
delegate_to: 10.x.x.2
run_once: true
register: vault_ocs_unseal_keys_result
I found two problems in that task:
In curl, @ is for reading files. As you are using lookup function in Ansible, you are inserting the content in that command, there is no need to read a file.
The double-quotes should be limiting the JSON data, without including the URL
Here is the code that worked for me. Maybe it is not the same for you as I've hard-coded the JSON data:
- name: "Unseal Vault OCS"
raw: curl -k -d "{{ lookup('template','unseal.json') }}" https://10.x.x.10/v1/sys/unseal
- {"keys":["tony_01","tony_02","tony_03"],"keys_base64": ["dG9ueV8wMQ==","dG9ueV8wMg==","dG9ueV8wMw=="],"root_token":"6c03bbce-eb8a-0af0-4e37-77e3a647d41d"}
register: vault_ocs_unseal_result