Unable to create cluster using jenkins in aws (kube-aws)


Created the volume by using command aws ec2 create-volume --region us-east-1 --availability-zone us-east-1b --size 10 --volume-type gp2

    "AvailabilityZone": "us-east-1b", 
    "Tags": [], 
    "Encrypted": false, 
    "VolumeType": "gp2", 
    "VolumeId": "-------", 
    "State": "creating", 
    "Iops": 100, 
    "SnapshotId": "", 
    "CreateTime": "2018-05-25T07:29:34.000Z", 
    "Size": 10

Trying to create cluster in aws using kube-aws up via jenkins but getting an error

Error: Error creating cluster: create volume dry-run request failed: InvalidParameterCombination: The parameter iops is not supported for gp2 volumes. status code: 400, request id:

-- Dhinesh

1 Answer


The combination volumeType and Iops is wrong

You are creating a volume with volumeType GP2 with IOPS.

GP2 Does not use IOPS and there for your request is failing. Iops is only valid for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volumes.

I don't see --iops in your request, so it is weird that is set to 100. Try explicitly setting it to 0 (--iops 0), or change your volumeType to io1

-- ThomasVdBerge
Source: StackOverflow