Mysql server on kubernetes wont restart


im trying to restart my mysql server. The server is on a Kubernetes/fedora container. I have tried to use # /etc/init.d/mysqld restart and # systemctl restart mysqld. The problem is that there is no files in the init.d. When running # /etc/init.d/mysqld restart bash says No such file, obviously as there is no such file. When running # systemctl restart mysqld it responds "bash: systemctl: Command not found" The mysql-servier is running fine and i can log into it, however i cant restart it. Please help.

-- Struts

2 Answers


The mysql-servier is running fine and i can log into it, however i cant restart it.

You have 2 options and both have it's 'dangers' to address:

  • More likely, container is started with either CMD given in docker image or command directive in kubernetes manifest that is actually starting your mysql. In that case, regardless of the way you manage to do termination (during restart) of running instance of mysql on that container you will also - terminate the whole container. Kubernetes will then restart that container, or whole pod.

  • Less likely, but possible is that container was started with some other 'main' command, and mysql is started as part of a separate script. In that case inspecting docker file or kubernetes manifest will give you details about start/stop procedure and only in that case you can restart mysql without actually killing the container it is running onto.

Dangers: data persistence. If you don't have proper data persistence in place killing running container (either through restart or refresh) will also destroy any ephemeral data with it.

Additional note: have you tried service mysql status and service mysql restart?

-- Const
Source: StackOverflow


To restart a server on Kubernetes you simply need to delete the pod with kubectl delete pod <id>. If you didn't create pod manually, but rather with a deployment, it will restart and come back online automatically.

Deleting a pod is a correct way of shutting down servers. First Kubernetes will send mysql a TERM signal that will politely ask it to shutdown. Then after some time (configurable) it will shoot it with KILL if it doesn't comply.

-- Alexandr Lurye
Source: StackOverflow