Best way to update Kubernetes secret from command line


The kubernetes dashboard allows one to see secrets in plain text (not base64 encoded) and make an easy change to any key-value pair within a Secret. I cannot find a way to easily make a similar change on the command line.

My best attempt has been to write a script which uses kubectl get secret to pull all of the data in Json format, grab each key-value pair, base64 decode the values, update the one I actually want, then feed them all back in to kubectl apply. After running into multiple issues I figured there is probably a kubectl option that I'm overlooking which will allow me to update just one key-value pair in a given Secret.

How can I do this?

-- s g

1 Answer


Usually you would have your secrets manifest stashed somewhere where it is secure.

I dont usually change the secrets using the dashboard, but instead do a kubectl apply -f mysecret.yaml. the mysecret.yaml file keeps the latest and greatest values. No in-place editing. This way you get consistency across deployments.

-- Bal Chua
Source: StackOverflow