Feasibility of using multi master Kubernetes cluster architecture


I am trying to implement CI/CD pipeline using Kubernetes and Jenkins. In my application I have 25 Micro services. And need to deploy it for 5 different clients. The microservice code is unique. But configuration for each client is different.

So here I am configuring Spring cloud config server with 5 different Profiles/Configuration. And When I am building Docker images, I will define which is the active config server profile by adding active profile in Docker file. So from 25 microservices I am building 25 * 5 number of Docker images and deploying that. So total 125 microservices I need to deploy in Kubernetes cluster. And these microservice are calling from my Angular 2 front end application.

Here when I am considering the performance of application and speed of response, the single master is enough of this application architecture? Or Should I definitely need to use the multi master Kubernetes cluster? How I can manage this application?

I am new to these cloud and CI/CD pipeline architecture tasks. So I have confusion related with designing of workflow. If single master is enough, then I can continue with current. Otherwise I need to implement the multi master Kubernetes HA cluster.

-- Jacob

2 Answers


The performance of the application and/or the speed do not depend on the number of master nodes. It resolves High Availability issues, but not performance. Now, you should still consider having at least 3 masters for this implementation you are working on. If the master goes down, your cluster is useless.

In Kubernetes, the master gets the API calls and acts upon them, by setting the desired state of the cluster to the current state. But in the end that's the nodes (slaves) doing the heavy work. So your performance issues will depend mostly, if not exclusively, on your nodes. If you have enough memory and CPU, you should be fine.

-- suren
Source: StackOverflow


Multi master sounds like a good idea for HA.

You could also look at using Helm which lets you configure microservices in a per installation basis so that you don't have to keep re-releasing docker images each time to configure a new environment. You can then inject the helm configuration into, say, a ConfigMap that mounts the content as an application.yml so that Spring Boot automatically loads the settings

-- James Strachan
Source: StackOverflow