Local Persistent Volume for Cassandra Hosted in Kubernetes


We are trying to deploy Cassandra within Kubernetes. Thinking of the storage and how to make it work its fastest at each datacenter, without the expense of implementing network attached storage at each data center, it would seem reasonable to make use of a Local Persistent Volume at each datacenter and leverage Cassandra to handle the cross-datacenter replication. Am I thinking about this problem correctly? Is there a better way to consider implementing Cassandra in each of our data centers to make our application run their fastest by connecting to a more local data center?

-- Flea

1 Answer


@Simon Fontana Oscarsson is right.

I just want to add a bit more details about that feature for people who will find that question, because it is a common case.

  1. Local Persistent Volumes are available only from 1.7 in alpha stage and from 1.10 in beta.
  2. It requires pre-configured LVM on nodes, and it should be done before you will use it.
  3. Here you may find examples of configuration here.
-- Anton Kostenko
Source: StackOverflow