View template files of Helm chart


With helm inspect [CHART] I can view the content of chart.yaml and values.yaml of a chart. Is there a way to also view the template files of a chart? Preferably through a Helm command.

On a sidenote: this seems like a pretty important feature to me. I would always want to know what the chart exactly does before installing it. Or is this not what helm inspect was intended for? Might the recommended way be to simply check GitHub for details how the chart works?

-- Nick Muller

2 Answers


helm install yourchart --dry-run --debug

This will print to stdout all the rendered templates in the chart (and won't install the chart)

-- itaysk
Source: StackOverflow


you can use helm fetch if you want to download the whole chart:

download a chart from a repository and (optionally) unpack it in local directory

(from the doc)

helm inspect returns the default values.yaml for the chart:

This command inspects a chart and displays information. It takes a chart reference ('stable/drupal'), a full path to a directory or packaged chart, or a URL.

Inspect prints the contents of the Chart.yaml file and the values.yaml file.

(from the doc)

-- Omer Levi Hevroni
Source: StackOverflow