I am currently trying to use the "--overrides" option in k8s to mount a local directory that a docker container can access and then run a command against that container utilizing that directory.
kubectl run -i --tty cic-v1 --image=image1 --restart=Never --overrides={"spec":{"volumeMounts":[{"name":"input","mountPath":"/usr/src/data/input"},{"name":"output","mountPath":"/usr/src/data/output"}],"volumes":[{"name":"input","hostPath":{"path":"/input/"}},{"name":"output","hostPath":{"path":"/output/"}}]}}
Ideally this is done inline without the use of a .yaml file. All attempts result in... error: Invalid JSON Patch ...and I am having difficulty debugging this. Has anyone accomplished anything similar?
Answer found here.
I was incorrectly specifying the 'overrides' option in k8s.