Is there a way to rollout a deployment by modify Kubernetes Object Deployment?


I can not find a way to rollout my deployment directly like kubectl rollout undo xxx in a third-party k8s-client called fabric, but the client offers the way to modify k8s objects. so I'm wondering if there is a way to rollout a deployment by modify Kubernetes Object Deployment?

-- AndyChow

1 Answer


There is no direct way to do something like that in the fabric8 kubernetes-client. So you will have to simulate the kubectl rollout command using the client to modify the Deployment object (pretty much as you described).

This is however a really neat feature and I am sure that it wouldn't be that hard to add to the client. I can see that you've already raised an issue about it, so we can take it from there.

-- iocanel
Source: StackOverflow