Can we restart the api-server manually on a local minikube installation?


I have a local minikube installation. I want to change the authentication mechanism for the api-server and restart and test it out. All the documentation I have read lacks this information. Has anybody got experience in it.

Thanks in Advance.

-- Vaibhav Ranglani

1 Answer


Yes you can. The kubernetes API Server, Controller manager, and scheduler are all run as static manifests in minikube.

So, in fact, in your example: Any change to the manifest will automatically lead to them being restarted instantly.

In order to make the modification, just use vi inside of /etc/kubernetes/manifests on whatever file you want to edit, and you'll see that the apiserver instantly restarts.

To look at the logs of the restart, you can look in /var/log/containers/ where each of the individual minikube services run.

-- jayunit100
Source: StackOverflow