Right now our DC (deployment config) has this hardcoded it it:
/// dc.yaml
image: containers.nabisco.com/cdt-org/cdt-dev:latest
then we roll out the dc with:
$ oc rollout latest dc/cdtcae-prod-deployment
however one problem I am noticing is that sometimes the "latest" tag refers to an old one and the newer one doesn't get pulled in - might be a bug with OpenShift or Kubernetes or what not.
we want to use git commit hashes to uniquely identify deployments, for the moment.
My question is - is there a way to override / update the image: line above, using the command line, so this line:
image: containers.nabisco.com/cdt-org/cdt-dev:latest
would get overriden by something like this:
oc rollout --tag="$my_git_commit_hash" dc/cdtcae-prod-deployment
I heard that the best option would be to use the following setting in your yaml DC config:
imagePullPolicy: "Always"
then you can just hard code some unique value
image: containers.nabisco.com/cdt-org/cdt-dev:foobarbaz
and it will always pull the latest one, instead of using the cache.