I've used Oracle IaaS K8s environment. So, all configuration changes are done successfully, But when I'm creating the Application I've got "Could not create application: Cannot get property 'name' on null object" message. Could you please help me to solve this issue.
I've configured persistentStorage as oraclebmcs , configure docker registry, kubernetes accounts and also enable the oraclebmcs.
persistentStorage config :
bucketName: spinnaker_oracle
namespace: spinnaker
compartmentId: ocid1.compartment.xxxxx
region: us-phoenix-1
userId: ocid1.user.xxxxx
fingerprint: e4:14:a1:2a:xxxxxx
sshPrivateKeyFilePath: /home/.oci/oci_api_key.pem
tenancyId: ocid1.tenancy.xxxxxxxxx
oraclebmcs config :
enabled: true
- name: oracle-bmcs
requiredGroupMembership: []
compartmentId: ocid1.compartment.xxxxxxx
userId: ocid1.user.xxxxxxx
fingerprint: e4:14:a1:2a:xxxxxxx
sshPrivateKeyFilePath: /home/.oci/oci_api_key.pem
tenancyId: ocid1.tenancy.xxxxxxx
region: us-ashburn-1
k8s account :
enabled: true
name: oracle-k8s-automate
requiredGroupMembership: []
providerVersion: V1
- accountName: docker
namespaces: []
configureImagePullSecrets: true
namespaces: []
omitNamespaces: []
kinds: []
omitKinds: []
customResources: []
kubeconfigFile: /home/chalaka/cloud/configuraiton/kubeconfig_auto
oauthScopes: []
oAuthScopes: []