I want to upload custom Helm charts on IBM Cloud Private internal repository, but I am not able to do so


I followed this official ICP link, but I not able to get final command that uploads charts to ICP working (command:bx pr load-helm-chart --archive [--clustername ]).

Here is my output: CLI output here

We got error in helmrepo pod.

Logs in helmrepo pod are here.

Output of "docker logs -f" for helmrepo here: docker logs -f

-- niranjani

3 Answers


I would check your helm-api and helm-repo pods:

kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep helm
helm-api-9c7f7667d-6x2pw                                  1/1       Running   0          28d
helmrepo-689487f674-ls6zp                                 1/1       Running   0          28d

Check all the pods, auth pods or icp-ds pod being flakey can cause an issue as well. Replace any pod thats not healthy:

kubectl get pod PODNAME -n NAMESPACE -o yaml | kubectl replace --force -f -
-- jfos
Source: StackOverflow


Definitely check the pod health, like jfos suggested. If all of the pods are healthy, can you post the logs for the helm repo pod?

From the master node: docker ps | grep helmrepo

The response should look something like this:

test-machine:~# docker ps | grep repo b5614d015d5b 341e5add26f5 "npm start" About an hour ago Up About an hour k8s_helm-repo_helm-repo-5d46fd5fcc-pmpqm_kube-system_5fae427b-3d1b-11e8-91f8-00163e01b44f_0

Where the pod_id is b5614d015d5b.

Then, to view logs: docker logs pod_id -f

In this example, it would be docker logs b5614d015d5b -f

Look for the 404 response and post the surrounding logs.

-- nathan weatherly
Source: StackOverflow


Do you have http/https proxy set on the host to run 'bx pr load-helm-chart' command? If yes, please unset the proxy to try, thanks.

-- AsirXing
Source: StackOverflow