How does an Nginx Ingress Controller work on Kubernetes?


Specifically, why do I end up with two external IP addresses when I follow the directions on Google's website for setting up nginx ingress on GKE?

The two IP addresses are for an Ingress resource and a Service resource of type LoadBalancer:

> kubectl get ingress
NAME            HOSTS                            ADDRESS        PORTS     AGE
nginx-ingress                    80, 443   1d
> kubectl get service
NAME                            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)                      AGE
hello-app                       ClusterIP    <none>          8080/TCP                     1d
kubernetes                      ClusterIP     <none>          443/TCP                      1d
nginx-ingress-controller        LoadBalancer         80:32603/TCP,443:31763/TCP   1d
nginx-ingress-default-backend   ClusterIP    <none>          80/TCP                       1d

Here is how I thought it works:

Service resource of type LoadBalancer <-- Ingress annotated as class nginx
Pod resource with Nginx acting as ingress controller
Service resource of type ClusterIP
Pod resource with server serving message at /hello

This is basically the diagram on the tutorial page I linked to. So I expect the load balancer to be of L4 type and have an external IP (and not cost any money to use!). And I expect the Ingress (despite its name) not to have an external IP, because I mark it with the annotation

annotations: nginx

which Google is supposed to recognize as saying I do not want the Ingress resource to use their paid L7 HTTP Load Balancer but my own Nginx controller.

I do notice that my /hello page is accessible via the load balancer's IP address, but accessing the ingress' address gives a connection attempt refused error. However it is the Ingress resource which has host: and tls: settings. So which resource do I associate my TLS certificate with? And why does the Ingress resource specify a domain name when it is the LoadBalancer IP at which my website is accessible?

-- expz

1 Answer


I do not really understand your question, I believe you are a bit confused regarding the ingress resource.

Let me explain a bit, after you run in the tutorial:

helm install --name nginx-ingress stable/nginx-ingress --set rbac.create=true
kubectl apply -f ingress-resource.yaml

You will have the following situation:

$ kubectl get services
NAME                            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP         PORT(S)                      AGE
nginx-ingress-controller        LoadBalancer   external-ip-ONE     80:32172/TCP,443:31908/TCP   12m

$ kubectl get ingress
NAME               HOSTS     ADDRESS           PORTS     AGE
ingress-resource   *         external-ip-TWO   80        1m

Checking the external IP in use you will notice that:

  • external-ip-ONE - corresponds to the forwarding rule, therefore it is the IP you will see in the Load Balancer page

  • external-ip-TWO - corresponds to the same IP of the virtual machine where the POD ingress controller it is running

Therefore no extra IP is "wasted". Basically you connect to the ingress controller that redirects the traffics according to the specification of the ingress resources to the different backends.

-- GalloCedrone
Source: StackOverflow