I want to provide SSL CA cert for MySQL in my applications via envvars in Azure Kubernetes, but i keep getting the following error logs.
NAME: RollbackError
MESSAGE: unable to get local issuer certificate
I followed everything what they said in docs, I can connect to it with MySQL client from terminal, so the cert is okay.
Thats what I have in my deployment.yml:
- name: database__connection__ssl__ca
value: "content_of_ssl_ca_cert_file"
According to MySQL & knexjs docs for NodeJS thats the correct way to do it, it accepts strings not files or path for the file. Anyone any ideas?
So, I finally managed to solve this 'trivial' issue.
- name: database__connection__ssl__ca
value: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n...\n...\n...-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
Breaklines were needed.
I already edited the question, but here is the solution:
- name: database__connection__ssl__ca
value: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n...\n...\n...-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
Breaklines are needed, when you want to copy the content from the cert file and provide it via envvars as string. -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
and -----END CERTIFICATE-----
also have to be there.