Discover port of other service in Kubernetes, without using the FOO_SERVICE_PORT env variable


According to the Kubernetes documentation, each container gets a set of environment variables that lets it access other services

For example, if a Service named foo exists, all containers will get the following variables in their initial environment:

FOO_SERVICE_HOST=<the host the Service is running on>
FOO_SERVICE_PORT=<the port the Service is running on>

However, it seems that in my cluster I'm not getting the expected values in those variables:

tlycken@local: k exec -ti <my-pod> ash
/app # echo $SEARCH_HOST

/app # echo $SEARCH_PORT

I would rather have expected to see something like

tlycken@local: k exec -ti <my-pod> ash
/app # echo $SEARCH_HOST
/app # echo $SEARCH_PORT

I know that the docs also say

If you are writing code that talks to a Service, don’t use these environment variables; use the DNS name of the Service instead.

but that only gives me the host name, not the port, of the service. Therefore, I wanted to set SEARCH_HOST to search in my deployment template and rely on SEARCH_PORT to get the port, but when I put the service url together from the existing environment variables, it becomes http://search:tcp:// which obviously does not work.

If I can't rely on the FOO_SERVICE_PORT variable to give me the port number, what should I do instead?

-- Tomas Aschan

2 Answers


According to a part from kubernetes documentation posted in the question:

For example, if a Service named foo exists, all containers will get the following variables in their initial environment:

FOO_SERVICE_HOST=<the host the Service is running on>
FOO_SERVICE_PORT=<the port the Service is running on>

The variable name is <your_service_name>_SERVICE_PORT, so if your server has name SEARCH, you are able to find it host and port values using SEARCH_SERVICE_HOST and SEARCH_SERVICE_PORT environment variables:


-- nickgryg
Source: StackOverflow


If I can't rely on the FOO_SERVICE_PORT variable to give me the port number, what should I do instead?

I think the best way is to use SRV records for resolving information about service because a DNS of the cluster is providing that Service Discovery feature.

Here is an official documentation about it, but in few words, the record looks like that:


So, for your service it will be like:, where my-namespace is a namespace of foo service.

Address of your service can be obtained from record.

-- Anton Kostenko
Source: StackOverflow