Error in using juju bootstrap google < name> command


Hey I'm new to kubernetes trying to implement the kubernete federation and was able to configure the aws and GCP credentials and got a successful output while testing for AWS but when I was trying to use it for GCP got stuck with an error

command: juju bootstrap google mycloud

ERROR fetching hosted model spaces: adding subnet "": subnet "" already exists

ERROR failed to bootstrap model: subprocess encountered error code 1

-- Rituraj kumar

1 Answer


Looks like subnet "" already exists in GCP (Google Cloud Platform) you can find all your networks and subnets in the GCP by running a command in the Google Cloud Shell

gcloud  compute networks subnets list

or find it in Networking > VPC network > VPC networks section of the GUI

It looks like you use default GCP subnet

us-east1 default

you can delete all default subnets from GCP, or try to configure networking in your config file

-- Nick Rak
Source: StackOverflow