Kubernetes DNS/service/kubeproxy/configMap vs Netflix ribbon/eureka/cloud config vs AWS ALB/S3


I am new to netflix cloud concepts and AWS and kubernetes and trying to associate the concepts of various technologies and how they relate in terms of each other.

  1. Load Balancing-What components does ribbon map to in AWS(ALB? although it is server side load balancing) and Kubernetes(Service with Kube DNS?)
  2. Service Registry-What components does eureka map to in AWS(ALB?) and Kubernetes (etcd/kubeproxy?)
  3. Configuration Management-What components does cloud config server map to in AWS(s3?) and Kubernetes(ConfigMap?)
-- rajesh kumar

1 Answer

  1. I understand that Netflix ribbon is an IPC library and there is no such thing in Kubernetes. You might be interested in gRPC as the part of CNCF.

  2. In Kubernetes is a registration support for configurable private DNS zones (often called stub domains) and external upstream DNS nameservers. The DNS pod is exposed as a Kubernetes Service with a static IP.

  3. kubectl command line tool provides command line interface to create ConfigMap for Kubernetes.

For integrating plans Netflix OSP Tools and Kubernetes take a look at: kubeflix.

That software components are made for integration Netflix Open Source Platform Tools with Kubernetes and provides: Kubernetes Instance Discovery for Turbine and Ribbon and also management for configuration and images for Turbine Server and Hystix Dashboard.

-- d0bry
Source: StackOverflow