I want to share a persistence volumen from my Google Container Engine instance with my FTP Server instance in other to access to the file that upload to FTP server.
If I've use a Computer Engine Disk I can't do that because the disk became readonly.
I see that I can use a Cloud Storage but I don't know If I can used as persistence volumen in Container Engine.
Anybody can help me?
First of all you need a FTP server container image for that. I'm not sure if anything off-the-shelf exists, you may need to build it yourself.
Then you can simply use GCE Persistent Disks as you said (however I'm not sure what you mean by "because the disk became readonly", you're supposed to explain your problem in detail at StackOverflow, people here simply can't guess it correctly all the time).
So you can follow this tutorial to learn about how to use GCE Persistent Disks on GKE clusters: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/tutorials/persistent-disk then you can modify the mysql part with your FTP server docker image.
Google Cloud Storage won't give you the filesystem semantics (such as permission bits, user/group on Linux) so it probably won't suit for FTP. Also you can't mount GCS to your compute instances.