So, i have a k8s cluster running on AWS, provisioned using kops. I have created a secret locally, using kubectl:
kubectl create secret generic aws-es --from-file=./aws_key.txt --from-file=./aws_secret_key.txt
My service.yml has this env:
name: aws-es
key: aws_key
And when i update the service in the cluster with:
kubectl apply -f service.yml
I get the error running pod:
Error: secrets "aws-es" not found
Error syncing pod
Obviously, my kops installation cannot see the locally created secret, is there a way for me to propagate that secret to kops' s3 storage?
Creating the secret in the same namespace as the deployment fixed this issue for me as well.
Error: secrets "xxx" not found
Fixed it. The problem was i created secrets in default namespace, while my pods were running in kube-system namespace.