how to create multiple loadbalancer ip addresses on one ingress controller on Azure AKS


I'm trying to setup multiple services on one k8s cluster, with one Ingress controller in front that does tls termination for all services. This is a good example:

I initially followed this example:, and then expanded it to have multiple tls services.

By exposing my nginx replication controller AKS on Azure automatically creates a loadbalancer and a public ip address, to which I can apply an A record: kubectl expose rc nginx-ingress-rc --port="80,443" --type="LoadBalancer"

However, I also want a second A record, that points to the same ip address (I guess?), so that I can access my ingress controller from different domains. I can't figure out how to let AKS create a second one for that purpose?

-- Nicolas Mommaerts

1 Answer


Meanwhile I understand Ingress a bit better. Only one ip address is created for the ingress controller, which can support path and host based routing. See for an example. I'll just need to configure my DNS with different CNAME records for the A record that is associated with the Azure public IP address. If I want to use multiple * fqdn's for my services, what I was trying to achieve at first, I'll have to use Azure DNS.

-- Nicolas Mommaerts
Source: StackOverflow