I'm seeing this notification "Node version unsupported" at my Kubernetes Cluster My Current Kubernetes version of nodes is 1.7.8-gke.0 and Master version is 1.7.12-gke.1 Do I have to upgrade it immediately ? or how long do I have to wait until I do an upgrade ? I thought Kubernetes Engine does not ONLY support running node versions more than two minor versions behind the master version !!
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It just literally means that the node version is no longer under support. It does not mean it's not compatible with the master. (If it wasn't compatible then the cluster wouldn't work.) You don't have to upgrade right away. It's like any other software- if your cluster is carrying production workloads and you have a strange problem with a node, the vendor will say- upgrade your node and then we'll look at it. But it should continue to work. GKE will probably stop running 1.7 masters soon after 1.10 comes out in a few weeks, but 1.7 nodes should still work with 1.8 and 1.9 masters